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Nepali poem recitation through webcam

This February, Nepali literature will go one extra mile ahead when the Online Nepali Literature Forum will host the first Online World Webcam Poem Competition 2008.
The forum has already called the writers to book their participation which will remain open until February 9, two days before the competition is to be held.
According to the organisers, any one having interest in Nepali literature from around the world can participate in the competition to webcast his/her poem through Yahoo, AOL and MSN messengers by adding in your messenger address book. The Forum said evaluators will be based in three countries around the globe and will remain unidentified by the competitors.
Language will not be the bar for competition, the competitor can recite poem in his/her mother tongue.
The recitation will continue throughout the day on February 11, from 7 am till 9 pm Greenwich time.
Organisers said top three poems will get cash award sponsored by Prabasi Nepali Sahitya Samaj, UK, realDomaHost and DatingNepal. However, the amount of the award has not been made public.
This is the first event of its kind in the history of Nepal literature. ia Jan 21 08


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