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Showing posts from December 28, 2007

६ पर्वलाई राष्ट्रिय बिदा

काठमाडौं, पुस १२ - गृह मन्त्रालयले विभिन्न आदिवासी जनजाति तथा धार्मिक समुदायको विशेष पर्वहरूमा राष्ट्रिय बिदा घोषणा गरेको छ । मन्त्रालयको उच्च स्रोतका अनुसार पहाडी तथा हिमाली आदिवासी जनजातिहरूको ल्होछार, मधेसीको छड, मुस्लिमहरूको इद-बकरिद, इर्साईको क्रिसमस, थारूको माघी र किरा“तको उभौली उद्यौलीमा राष्ट्रिय बिदा बिहीबार निर्ण्र्ााभएको हो । त्यसैगरी राजवंशी र ताजुपरियाले मनाउने पर्व पावनीमा मोरङ, सुनसरी र झापा गरी तीन जिल्लामा बिदा दिने भएको छ । यसअघि सम्बिन्धत समुदायलाई मात्र ती पर्वहरूमा बिदा दिइ“दै आएको थियो ।

Ex-govs face foreign policy questions

By LIZ SIDOTI, Associated Press Writer PELLA, Iowa - Turmoil in Pakistan has moved foreign policy to the forefront of the presidential campaign in the U.S., a potentially unwelcome development for two Republican former governors with thin credentials on world affairs. if(window.yzq_d==null)window.yzq_d=new Object(); window.yzq_d['vsQ1fdGDJGE-']='&U=13bvn5mmh%2fN%3dvsQ1fdGDJGE-%2fC%3d613210.12026133.12453524.1442997%2fD%3dLREC%2fB%3d5024935'; Mike Huckabee, who spent a decade at the helm in Arkansas, and Mitt Romney, who served one term as Massachusetts governor, have faced questions over the past two days about whether they have adequate experience to lead the country during an international crisis. They are in a tight race in Iowa with caucus voting on Thursday. "I'm in the same position Ronald Reagan was in," Romney told reporters on a campaign swing through western Iowa. Reagan's only political experience before entering the White House was as g