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Showing posts from December, 2007

साहित्यको लागि यात्रा कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न - [2007-12-30]

साहित्य संवाददाता, अंतराष्ट्रीय नेपाली साहित्य समाज मलेसिया शाखाको बाषिर्क कार्यक्रम अर्न्तगतको साहित्य यात्रा कार्यक्रम ३० डिसेम्बरको दिन मलेसियाको पर्यटकीय क्षेत्र सन वे लगुनमा सम्पन्न भयो । कार्यक्रमका संयोजक एवं अनेसास मलेसिया शाखाका उपाध्यक्ष टंक चन्दको नेतृत्वमा सन वे लगुन पुगेका करिब एक दर्जन साहित्यकारहरूले सो क्षेत्रको साहित्यक भ्रमण गरी अनुभूति र सिर्जना बाचन गर्ने कार्यक्रम गरे । सोही कार्यक्रममा अनेसास मलेसिया शाखाको प्रकाशित एवं डिल्लीराम भण्डारी \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'मिलन\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' को प्रथम साहित्यिक कृति \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"सरिता\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" उपन्यासको बिमोचन समेत गरियो । अनेसास मलेसिया शाखाका सल्लाहकार दिलिप र्राई सगर र अध्यक्ष जीवन देवान गाउँले\\\\\\\'ले संयुक्त विमोचन गरिएको सो कृतिको समिक्षा टंक चन्दले गर्नु भएको थियो । अनेसास मलेसिया शाखाको कार्यालय क्वालालम्पुरस्थित नेपाल हाउसमा उद्घाटन भई सन वे लगुनमा समापन हुन पुगेको साहित्य यात्राको समापनको क्रममा मन्तब्य राख्नु हुँदै कार्यक्रमका संयोजक टंक चन्दले भ्रमणको क्रममा गरिएका अनुभूतिहरूलाई साहित्यम

कुराकानी फिलिप्पिनी संग

desu none: hi shiela guevarra: how are you? desu none: fine desu none: shiela guevarra: i notice your online but i did not disturb you desu none: why? desu none: I am free now desu none: did u saw my blogspot desu none: ? shiela guevarra: ah see i thought you chat somebody shiela guevarra: yes just now desu none: my song appears at my blog shiela guevarra: wow very nice desu none: thanks shiela guevarra: you're so talented desu none: not so shiela guevarra: why say not so? desu none: is my poem correct? shiela guevarra: yes absolutely correct desu none: thank u shiela guevarra: your welcome! desu none: from yr side if anything to add in my poem shiela guevarra: i think nothing to add its perfect already desu none: ok shiela guevarra: you're so smart desu none: its my pleasure that u have recognised me shiela guevarra: okey desu none: tks desu none: How rude abduction of my kin Be tread palm, sucking her lip Uneager ness to be detached, No matter if the

मेरो गीत

Lyric - Debendra Surkeli Music - Prakash Gurung Vocal - Anand karki Tears burst in eyes, before flapping the lip Darkness splashes in a torn of glowing ness. How much to cry if only waterish eye No water to hug for burning soul Anatomy cries dipping body soul in grief flowing ness Darkness splashes in a torn of glowing ness. Intensities of dreams lost, Heart detached, no trust, Why the tsunami of tears now, no glimpses then Darkness splashes in a torn of glowing ness. Translation by - Anuj Sapkota


By:Mr. Gopal Kumar Rai ( Tumchha)149 A Sneinton Dale Nottingham Soldier Amie Jelf was singled out for praise by Prince Harry when she took part in the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace.The Brierley girl has the honour of being the first woman in the Gurkhas to take part in the Changing of the Guard.The 25-year-old former Cinderford Army cadet was recently promoted to corporal in the Queen's Gurkha Signals. She has also seen active service on the front lines in both Iraq and Afghanistan."When you're marching down the mall in front of Buckingham Palace knowing you're the first woman to do it, it's a big thrill," said Amie."Prince Harry was watching through one of the windows and called the Captain of the Guard afterwards praising me."Amie, a former Dene Magna pupil, joined the army when she was 17 and is among a small number of women soldiers to be attached to the Gurkha squadron.She is one of only five British people to be attached to 200-str

६ पर्वलाई राष्ट्रिय बिदा

काठमाडौं, पुस १२ - गृह मन्त्रालयले विभिन्न आदिवासी जनजाति तथा धार्मिक समुदायको विशेष पर्वहरूमा राष्ट्रिय बिदा घोषणा गरेको छ । मन्त्रालयको उच्च स्रोतका अनुसार पहाडी तथा हिमाली आदिवासी जनजातिहरूको ल्होछार, मधेसीको छड, मुस्लिमहरूको इद-बकरिद, इर्साईको क्रिसमस, थारूको माघी र किरा“तको उभौली उद्यौलीमा राष्ट्रिय बिदा बिहीबार निर्ण्र्ााभएको हो । त्यसैगरी राजवंशी र ताजुपरियाले मनाउने पर्व पावनीमा मोरङ, सुनसरी र झापा गरी तीन जिल्लामा बिदा दिने भएको छ । यसअघि सम्बिन्धत समुदायलाई मात्र ती पर्वहरूमा बिदा दिइ“दै आएको थियो ।

Ex-govs face foreign policy questions

By LIZ SIDOTI, Associated Press Writer PELLA, Iowa - Turmoil in Pakistan has moved foreign policy to the forefront of the presidential campaign in the U.S., a potentially unwelcome development for two Republican former governors with thin credentials on world affairs. if(window.yzq_d==null)window.yzq_d=new Object(); window.yzq_d['vsQ1fdGDJGE-']='&U=13bvn5mmh%2fN%3dvsQ1fdGDJGE-%2fC%3d613210.12026133.12453524.1442997%2fD%3dLREC%2fB%3d5024935'; Mike Huckabee, who spent a decade at the helm in Arkansas, and Mitt Romney, who served one term as Massachusetts governor, have faced questions over the past two days about whether they have adequate experience to lead the country during an international crisis. They are in a tight race in Iowa with caucus voting on Thursday. "I'm in the same position Ronald Reagan was in," Romney told reporters on a campaign swing through western Iowa. Reagan's only political experience before entering the White House was as g

chating with mery

desu none: hi yuerigul: hi yuerigul: how r u? desu none: fine desu none: u yuerigul: fine desu none: how's going, nowadays? desu none: yr yuerigul: ok la yuerigul: this week v busy working desu none: ok, I understand lah yuerigul: thats why................. desu none: so I dont hope to yr reply yuerigul: yha? desu none: sms reply yuerigul: oh sorry desu none: its ok yuerigul: now i am going to work bye take care desu none: ok bye bye

Pakistan's Bhutto assassinated at rally

By SADAQAT JAN and ZARAR KHAN, Associated Press Writers 8 minutes ago RAWALPINDI, Pakistan - Pakistan opposition leader Benazir Bhutto was assassinated Thursday in a suicide attack that also killed at least 20 others at a campaign rally, aides said. ADVERTISEMENT The death of the 54-year-old charismatic former prime minister threw the campaign for the Jan. 8 parliamentary elections into chaos and created fears of mass protests and violence across the nuclear-armed nation, an important U.S. ally in the war on terrorism. The attacker struck just minutes after Bhutto addressed thousands of supporters in the garrison city of Rawalpindi, 8 miles south of Islamabad. She was shot in the neck and chest by the attacker, who then blew himself up, said Rehman Malik, Bhutto's security adviser. At least 20 others were killed in the attack. Bhutto was rushed to the hospital and taken into emergency surgery. "At 6:16 p.m., she expired," said Wasif Ali Khan, a member of Bhutto's part

सन्तोष नेपाली तारा

काठमाडौं, नेपाली तारा दोस्रो संस्करणको उपाधि धादिङका सन्तोष लामाले जितेका छन् । नेपाल प्रज्ञाप्रतिष्ठानमा शुक्रबार भएको अन्तिम प्रतिस्पर्धामा झापाका तारालक्सम लिम्बूले उपविजेतामा चित्त बुझाउनुपर्‍यो । मोरङका र्सर्ूयकिरण लामा तेस्रो स्थानमा रहे । \\\'आमाको सपना पूरा गरें,\\\' सन्तोषले उपाधि जितेपछि भने । उनले पुरस्कारस्वरूप २ लाख रुपैया“ र मोटरसाइकल तथा सिंगापुर र मलेसियाको भ्रमण अवसर प्राप्त गरे । रत्नराज्य लक्ष्मी क्याम्पसमा स्नातक तेस्रो वर्षा पढ्दै गरेका २२ वर्षोले एल्बम र म्युजिक भिडियो निर्माणको \\\'कन्ट्रयाक्ट\\\' पनि हात पारे । सन्तोषले पुरस्कार थापिरह“दा उनकी आमा कृष्णमाया दर्शकदर्ीघामा खुसीको आ“सु बगाइरहेकी थिइन् । छोराको जित-हार हर्ेन उनी शुक्रबारै धादिङबाट आएकी थिइन् । हास्य कलाकार जोडी मदनकृष्ण श्रेष्ठ र हरिवंश आचार्यले हजारौं दर्शकमाझ \\\'नेपाली तारा-२\\\' को उद्घोष गर्न लाग्दा सन्तोष र अर्का प्रतिस्पर्धी २५ वषर्ीय तारालक्समका अनुहारमा कौतूहल र उमंग देखिन्थ्यो । फाइनल राउन्ड सुरु हुनुअघि दुवैलाई एउटै प्रश्न सोधिएको थियो- \\\'को बन्छ नेपाली तारा-

परिहास सुब्बाको गजल कृति सूत्र मंगल धुन प्रकाशित

साहित्य संवाददाता,ढिलोगरि प्राप्त समाचार अनुसार युवा गजलकार परिहास सुब्बाको गजल कृति सूत्र मंगल धुन भर्खरै प्रकाशित भएको छ । कुम्मायक कुस्सायक क्लब यासोक पाँचथरको प्रकाशन रहेको उक्त पुस्तकको ब्यावस्थापकमा दिला मुक्साम याक्थङबा र देबेन्द्र लाओती रहेका छन। कृतिमा जम्मा ६५ वटा गजलहरु समाबेश गरिएका छन । पुस्तकमा नेपाल गजल मञ्च २०५८ का राष्ट्रिय सचिव धिरज गिरी कल्पित को भूमिका रहेको छ भने कवि मञ्जुलको शुभकामना का साथै ससक्त युवा कवि स्व स्वप्निल स्मृतिका केहि शब्दहरु रहेका छन ।देश बाहिर बस्दै आएका गजलकार परिहासले पुस्तकको विमोचन केही हप्ताअघि सिङला होटल ललितपुरमा एक साहित्यिक भेटघाटको आयोजना गरेका थिए । उक्त कार्यक्रममा लेखक अमर नेम्वाङ, कवि नरेश शाक्य , राजन मुकारुङग, उपेन्द्र सुब्बा, धिरज गिरी, सनमान चेम्जोङ, प्रकाश विमिल, भद्रगोल किराती एवं अन्य धेरै साहित्यकार एवं साहित्यप्रमीहरुको उपस्थिती रहेको थियो।

15 die in Bheri bridge collapseScores missing

NEPALGUNJ, Dec 26 - At least 15 persons died and scores of others went missing when a suspension bridge over the Bheri River at Shobhaghat near Mehalkuna bazaar, Surkhet district collapsed on Tuesday afternoon. Of the dead, four were minors. In a statement issued late Tuesday, the Armed Police Force confirmed the deaths of 15 including three women and two children. The Home Ministry, meanwhile, said 32 people including 20 women and 12 men are receiving treatment at Surkhet Regional Hospital. Among the dead, eight-year-old girl Yamuna Shirish of Sera in Gumi VDC breathed her last while under treatment at Surkhet Regional Hospital, according to Bheri Zonal Police Office at Nepalgunj. Around 200 of those who fell into the river reportedly managed to swim to safety while a considerable number of others were rescued. Personnel of the Armed Police Force (APF), the Nepal Army (NA) and Nepal Police and locals have been searching for the missing. Over 300 people were estimated to have been on t

Merry Christmas

...and to all a Good Night! The last presents have been delivered, the last cookie eaten, the last glass of milk consumed, and the last stocking filled. Once we get the "all clear" signal from the North Pole Command Center, we'll point the sleigh due north and return home. I hope everyone has had as much fun this Christmas Eve as I have had tonight. Tomorrow is going to be the best Christmas ever!Good night, all! I will not update my log until late in the day to day as I plan on enjoying Christmas brunch with Mrs. Claus and taking a nap. "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins." - Matthew 1:21

Chating with shiela (Philippine)

desu none: hi shiela guevarra: hello desu none: how is your shop? busines shiela guevarra: okey shiela guevarra: are you celebrating christmas? desu none: ok desu none: but it is not my religion shiela guevarra: last last we have a christmas party here in the cafe shiela guevarra: i undesrstand shiela guevarra: what is your religion? desu none: ohh, merry cristmas u and all of yr friend and family desu none: my religion is kirat/ desu none: that is old religion of nepal shiela guevarra: thanks! merry christmas too! shiela guevarra: okey i never heared that before desu none: ya, that is only one part of nepal shiela guevarra: ah see shiela guevarra: how are you today? desu none: very sleepy lah shiela guevarra: okey we wlii end so that you can sleep now shiela guevarra: have a nice sleep desu none: thank u, shiela guevarra: bye desu none: I think I will see u in dream shiela guevarra: really? desu none: yes shiela guevarra: okey shiela guevarra: bye then desu none: bye bye
desu none: hi heenagrg9: chiya khanu vayo desu none: khoi aja ta khaiyeko chhaina ta desu none: see heenagrg9: ani aja kehi karyekram 6 ki desu none: aja chhaina bahini heenagrg9: ani voli ta ristmas k garnu hun6 ni dai desu none: voli ekdui wata karyakram cha heenagrg9: aeeeeeeee kl mai ki bahira desu none: kl bhitrai heenagrg9: mero hijo nepalsandesh ko pramod dai le avibekti liyeko thiyo pura va6aina\ heenagrg9: k k vanne hola desu none: oho ramro ho bahini heenagrg9: kina lina khojeko rahe6 khai ali kati khana khane time ma gako ramro sanga bujnai pa6aina desu none: jatisakdo ramro tarikale afno kura rakhnus desu none: na heenagrg9: vabisaye ko yojana k 6 vanera sodeko thiyo maile ta vabisya le nai dekhau6 vane desu none: thikai chha heenagrg9: ani padai vayera k garne yojana 6 pani vane ko thiyo heenagrg9: maile ta herau matra vane desu none: yaso futureko aim pani batauda hunchha ni heenagrg9: khai k vanne dai k ko yojana hunu ra malaysia ko padai le eta
kanchha says: hi, r u fine? mery says: YEH OK NOT FINE kanchha says: why? kanchha says: don't worry my friend mery says: ok kanchha says: what r u doing? mery says: no thing lissing music kanchha says: ok mery says: what r u doing? kanchha says: paper designing mery says: oh`~~~~~ mery says: i am felling not well mery says: i always like this kanchha says: what happen mery says: no thing miss family mery says: missing boy friend kanchha says: ok, I know, but all forigener have same problums. my parents also not here mery says: I KNOW but u r boy kanchha says: I think same case lah, boy and gril mery says: may be but u r not same like me kanchha says: that is your week point mery says: yes kanchha says: plz, make strong your hart mery says: i always cry i like cry but u boys not same like me kanchha says: same lah mery says: one of my friend girl same rice she was let me so up sad,,,,, mery says: then she also bolling me so